Dr. Rahel Mochari

1. Personal Profile: 1 Name Dr. Rahel Mochari 2 Designation Associate Professor 3 Department Bodo 4 Gender Female 5 Contact No. 9957814497 6 Email ID rahelmochari@gmail.com   7 Qualification M.A, B.Ed., Ph.D. (NET,SLET) 8 Area of Specialisation Language & Literature 2. Participation in academic conference/Seminars/Webinar/Convention: Sl. No. Date Topic/Theme Place/Organiser State/National/ International 1 26/07/2020  “New Wave…

Dr. Dhananjoy Brahma

1. Personal Profile: 1 Name Dr. Dhananjoy Brahma 2 Designation Associate Professor 3 Department English 4 Gender Male 5 Contact No. 9957394435 6 Email ID dhananjaybrahma@gmail.com 7 Qualification M.A, B.Ed., M.Phil, Ph.D. (NET,SLET) 8 Area of Specialisation American Literature 2. Participation in academic conference/Seminars/Webinar/Convention: Sl. No. Date Topic/Theme Place/Organiser State/National/International 1 18/8/ 2020 Teaching &…

Internal Complaint Committee

Internal Complaint Committee Bengtol College, Bengtol Bengtol College is situated in a small rural town with a serene atmosphere in the district of Chirang, Assam. The college is a co-educational institution where both men and women teach, learn, work, and share together. However, it provides equal opportunities to all. So, if  any complaints of sexual…

Anti- Ragging Cell

Anti- Ragging Cell Bengtol College,Bengtol About the Cell/Committee: With a notion of preventing and stopping the ragging activities in and outside Bengtol College and keeping a view to the present ongoing ragging related incidents in various institutions in India, an Anti-Ragging Cell of Bengtol College was formed on 13th March 2013. Since its inception the…