Publication Cell

                                      Publication Cell, Bengtol College About the Cell: The Publication Cell is a constituent cell of IQAC, Bengtol College, Bengtol. It was constituted in March, 2013. Since its inception the publication cell has been actively engaging itself in publications of quality research articles written by teachers and scholars of various institutions. Objectives of the Cell: The…

Library Advisory Committee

Library Advisory Committee, Bengtol College The Library Advisory Committee plays an important role in the proper functioning of the library. The Committee is formed according to the procedure of the library rules and is working for the betterment and upgradation of the library in all aspects. In view of the changing scenario of the education…

Boys’ Hostel Management Cell

About the Cell: Bengtol College has one Boys Hostel established in the year 2019 namely Bodofa U N Brahma. The boys’ hostel is situated inside the college campus. Boys ‘Hostel accommodates 18 students at a time and another 18 students to be accommodated once the under-construction first floor is completed. Boy’s hostel is well furnished…

Website Maintenance Cell

About the Cell: Websites of higher educational institutions serve as a primary information portal for students and other stake holders. Keeping the website well-maintained and up-to-date is essential for effective communication and providing accurate information to all stakeholders. Understanding its importance, a Website Maintenance Cell was formed on 13th March 2013. Since its inception, the…

Disaster Management Cell

About the Cell: The Disaster Management Cell under IQAC, Bengtol College was formed with the aim to work and help the surrounding area of Bengtol College in the times of Disasters. It aims to give students the basic knowledge and awareness on various natural and possible manmade disasters. Since its formation it has been conducting…

Admission Conduct Committee

About the Cell: Admission Conduct Committee was formed on 22nd March 2013 as per the IQAC meeting held on 21st March 2013. The Admission Conduct Committee (ACC) of Bengtol College ensures the integrity and fairness of the admissions process in the college. The committee is responsible for developing and updating admission policies and guidelines of…

Examination Committee

Examination Committee About the Cell:             The Examination Committee under IQAC, Bengtol College was formed with an aim to conduct smooth examinations related to external, internal as well as Practical examination of the College in a stipulated time. The Committee is designed to plan and make strategies for conducting Examinations for transparent and quality evaluation…

Counselling Programme on “Retail Team Leader ” under “Youth Empowerment Programme”

Counselling Programme on “Retail Team Leader ” under “Youth Empowerment Programme”

Career Counselling and Consultancy Cell, Bengtol College, Bengtol organized a Counselling programme on a course titled “Retail Team Leader” under “Youth Empowerment Programme” sponsored by Atos Syntel Prayas Foundation for BA/BBA 5th Semester students of Bengtol College on 9th September 2023. The programme was graced by Mr. Subhash Upadhyaya, State Head, Assam & North East,…

Student Welfare Cell

Students Welfare Cell  The students Welfare Cell of the Bengtol College was formed on 21st March 2013 under the guidance of IQAC Bengtol College. This cell is formed with the noble objectives of providing Students a comprehensive, harmony, competent and responsive platform to facilitate a good learning atmosphere. The students Welfare cell Play a significant…